3 Basic Questions That Will Help You Unlock the Best Version of Yourself

Increase Your Level of Self-Awareness

Kurtis Pykes
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image created by author using Midjourney

Stephen R. Covey once said, “We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.

In other words, whatever you see in the outside world merely reflects who you are.

The way you structure your day tells a story about you.

The food in your fridge further reiterates that identity.

The pages recommended to you on social media cement it.

Even the people you date are communicating something about you.

The key to becoming the best version of yourself is raising your level of awareness to notice these things.

As Canadian-American psychotherapist and writer Nathaniel Branden once said, “The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

The faster you notice something in your life doesn’t align with where you’re going, the faster you can shift it to get back on track.

Thus, the question you should ask is, “How do I become more self-aware?” — even asking this question is a step in the right direction…

