3 Disturbing Signs the Universe Is Supporting You in the Right Direction

Sometimes, chaos leads to clarity.

Ruchi Thalwal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Once, I heard an enlightened master say, “Life will never give you what you don’t need.”

But it becomes hard to believe when life becomes unfair. It is easy to fall into the pit of blaming life rather than looking at the broader picture.

You want clarity, especially when chaos hits.

But clarity can’t come if you are stuck in your mental prison and fail to see that life is actually supporting you in the right direction.

Feeling lost and confused

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” — Rumi

Everything in nature happens slowly and perfectly.

Growth is not a one-time process. It is a continuous journey.

As you grow, you might not need old things. Known people may become distant when they stop aligning with you. Your patterns and personality may subtly change, which others may not agree with.

Everybody is growing. Some people grow in. Others grow out.

During transition periods, it is natural to feel confused. As old starts to dissolve, the mind…



Ruchi Thalwal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Periodontist turned Spiritual Mentor| Transform your anxious life to joy & higher consciousness. Grab FREE healing audio https://ruchithalwal.ck.page/f05058f288