3 Life Lessons I Learned From Volunteering

How helping others can lead to personal growth and new perspectives

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


My team at the end of a big event. © IAESTE Vienna.

I read recently that the whole self-improvement topic is selfish because you focus on yourself. I’m not 100% agreeing because for me it’s about becoming the best version of myself for my future kids and family.

The goal or the intention behind self-improvement makes the difference.

I’ve learned that being selfless and helping people helps me grow more than reading a book. It’s active work and you practice in real life.

Deciding to volunteer was the best thing I ever did. Around 4,5 years ago, I started volunteering at my student organization. We are organizing paid internships abroad for technical students.

I'm committing a lot of time to this organization for the cultural exchange and for meeting people from different countries. It changed my view of the world and my life.

Here are 3 lessons I learned from volunteering:

Everyone is different

Many people live in their own little worlds. People with different opinions are not allowed to enter. They work and meet with the same like-minded people every day.



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writing about my strategies for self-growth, introversion and productivity. Get my guide: karina-ahrer.com/boost-your-productivity/