3 Nutrition Strategies You Can Use to Lose 1–2 Pounds Per Week This Holiday Season While Still Enjoying Your Favorite Holiday Treats

How to use strategic fueling strategies to get in shape while still enjoying the foods you love.

Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly shed pounds while indulging in holiday foods?

Let’s explore 3 nutrition strategies you can use to lose 1–2 pounds per week this holiday season while still enjoying your favorite holiday treats.

It’s not just about what you eat, but how you strategically fuel your body.

This is all about understanding the science behind nutrition, and how to leverage it in your favor.

1) Nutrient Timing

You need to feed your muscles the right nutrients at the right times.

There are two components we’ll cover here.

1 — Research points to the significance of protein-rich meals post-workout, aiding in muscle repair and growth — essential for those aiming to tone up.

This means you can use your holiday meals to accelerate your gym progress by consuming a protein-rich meal after your workout.



Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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