3 Paramount Yet Simple Rules to Progress in Life

I wish I implemented them earlier.

Chris Terrana
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Steve Donoghue on Unsplash

I’m a big believer in keeping things simple.

Life, as we know, can be complicated and annoying. At times, downright frustrating. That’s putting it mildly after the last year too. So, when we can, it’s essential to live with the KISS principle in mind.

The United States Navy created the KISS principle. It’s an acronym, which stands for “Keep It Simple, Stupid.

When it comes to progress, let’s keep things simple and not complicate them any further.

If You Don’t Go After Your Dreams, You Will Never Have Them

What you want is possible.

However, no one will hand it to you, and it won’t fall out of the sky and into your lap anytime soon. You have to go and get it.

You have to commit. Patience and perseverance are your weapons. It will take sweat, sacrifice, mental tenacity, and intestinal fortitude to see it through.

Life gave you your dreams. And we give back to the universe by giving life to our dreams.

I’m not going to lie. It’s going to take time. But, the time will pass anyway.



Chris Terrana
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Actor. Martial Artist. Fitness Freak. Writer for Big Money Methods.