3 Perspectives of Hope You Can Use to Navigate This Season.

Be Proud of Your Process Regardless of The Outcomes.

Praise Nimmy Iype
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
7 min readJul 15, 2020


Even if all you got to do was to pay attention to one positive possibility, that fascinated you, then that’s all you need.

Because ‘what lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us’ as Henry David Thoreau once said.

For this season (the Covid-19 virus causing unfortunate consequences globally) reminded, most of us, to not overwhelm over external uncertainties that we cannot control; lest our minds at a state of constant distress and mess.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

So, after processing all my upsurging emotions in a journal, I am channelizing my energy to unpack what I longed, to do, in prior seasons of my life. Writing. The process of learning to be a faithful agent of aspects that capture my attention; and then taking the time to translate them (thoughts and visions in the form of inspirations, reflections, ideas and inclinations) from the invisible realm to a visible format (articles, e-books and resources). This is how I am ushering my being into a new normal.

However, I would not have been able to engage with the process of penning words had I not transitioned through these 3 stages in the past phases of my life.

1) Carrying them within my heart
2) The process of imprinting
3) The Waiting period

1) Carrying Them Within My Heart

‘Know what sparks the light in you. Then use that light to illuminate the world’- Oprah Winfrey

Photo by Daan Stevens on Unsplash

The first time I realized my inclination towards creating content was during an English exam, in twelfth grade at school, back in 2012. I enjoyed connecting the right words to express my thoughts and perspectives as responses to the questions. I still remember to this day, the kind words of my English teacher (thank you Mrs Binu mam) who identified, appreciated and encouraged my written works.

Although I stayed in touch with writing, at some levels either through journalism internships or writing and editing for my college newspaper, my inclination became stronger only two years ago. At the time, though, I enrolled in postgraduate studies in social work. As a full-time student, who volunteered and also worked, my longing to write and publish articles became stronger. Such yearnings triggered conflict and guilt, within me, for not being able to attend to my passion as desired. The best at that season I could do was to journal before I got to sleep. Thankfully the journaling process kept the momentum towards my interest.

We all have witnessed and experienced a pre-pandemic world that prioritises on rushing to get things done, whether it be in our workplaces, educational institutions or family situations, all at the expense of sabotaging the stillness within to even notice our interests.

Within such circumstances, if all we could do was to jot them down or preserve them consciously within our mind, to attend it appropriately at our right season, then we are cultivating our thoughtfulness and perseverance to at levels deeper than we can decipher.

2) The Process of Imprinting

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When a baby gosling, after hatching, fixes its attention (during the initial 12–18 hours) onto a first large moving stimulus it encounters, it becomes their mother. If that happens to be a human, then the gosling perceives, the person as, the permanent representation of what a mother is supposed to look like. Scientists call this, interesting phenomenon, imprinting.

Similarly, Mrs Binu’s positive words, with regards to my writing, became imprinted onto my mind. And every time I begin to write it feels supportive, to hear her words ring in my mind, long after I have left school. This, as I have realised, is the power of imprinting.

Undoubtedly, we all have experienced the impact of positive and negative words we release and receive. Depending upon our levels of sensitivities, temperaments, life experiences, support systems, beliefs and perspectives, and our resilience, some negative words and actions may be imprinted onto us. It may even traumatise us for the rest of our lives; unless we learn to unlearn and replace them with thoughts, words, emotions and actions that lean towards life-giving truths.

3) The Waiting Period

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What does this stage trigger within you? For me its anxiety.

Whether, it’s waiting for COVID-19 crisis to disappear, after applying for a job or awaiting the results after a job interview, exam results, after medical examination check-ups; the reviews after release of creative service or products, or even when a communication gap occurs due to unprecedented circumstances or at times when a flight or train service gets delayed, we know what it feels like.

Yet, I am thankful to imbibe these two lessons from the phase:

Photo by Sushobhan Badhai on Unsplash
  1. It helps me mature, by enabling me to analyse aspects subjectively and objectively; thereby the seeds (thoughts, ideas, visions, goals and aspirations) I carry within.
  2. It helps me release the seed, without getting attached to the outcome so that I can enjoy the process, and be content with the process of my growth.

This is by far the most challenging phase for most of us. Either we will follow-through our aspirations, after the initial excitement, despite our frustrations, from internal or external sources; or give up because we are impatient or undermine its worth due to several influences.

Hence, waiting taught me to surrender to God about things that I cannot control and trust his timing.

The 3 Principles to help you value the season you are in:

As King Solomon once said “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens’’.

Photo by Jiroe on Unsplash

Some of us might be going through these seasons right now:

  • A transition period where you are taking the time to process and re-evaluate aspects; and seeking clarity within different spheres (personal, professional, spiritual, familial) of your life.
  • Or maybe you have become receptive to the idea of learning or doing something new in your life.
  • Maybe this is the season you finally realized about the potential of the seed that was dormant within you waiting to be sowed in the right ground.
  • Or even you might be taking the time to implement your goals.
  • Or perhaps you are taking some time off to pause from everything to take care of your mental health.

Regardless of the stage, we might be at, when it involves experimenting, learning, re-learning and unlearning we consciously decide what matters and what does not.

Principle No 1- Discern your season

Photo by Hello I’m Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

We need to discern our seasons so that we can be compassionate to our self and others instead of feeling not enough. This will enable us, to not be inundated with anxiety, these days, when we are flooded with pieces of advice regarding productivity.

Principle No 2- Invisibility is not insignificant

Sometimes, you might feel like carrying within your heart is invalid, because there is nothing visible or tangible for us or others as evident.

But we know ‘the secret to getting ahead is getting started’ as Mark Twain reminded us.

Photo by Alex Lee on Unsplash

And carrying within our heart cannot be regarded as an invalid stage as long as we are determined to return for developing it at our opportune time.

Principle No 3- Passionate Patience

‘So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others’. (Bible- 2 Peter 1:5–9)

What stood out to me, in this passage, was passion associated with patience. The one life event that demonstrates it could be a pregnant mother expecting her first child. No mother, in her right mind, wants to rush before the due course to deliver her baby. Passionate patience indeed.

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

In other areas of our life, it might take time to embody this virtue, yet I believe it is possible with practice. An essential component, indeed, for long-term sustenance of our vision.

The process of our growth, in every area of our life, becomes whole when we take the time to reflect on it.

Hence here are 3 questions to aid your reflection.

Questions to Reflect:

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

1) What has this season reinforced within you?

2) What are some of the firm intentions or principles that you have decided to take forward with you?

3) What is the small step you have taken or will take to keep the momentum?

Let me know your perspectives in the comments below.



Praise Nimmy Iype
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer.Postgraduate in Social Work.Functional Family Therapist Website:https://writerstelescope.com/ For paid writing projects email praise@writerstelescope.com