3 Powerful Benefits of Waking From the Dream of Thought

Thoughts are fantasies, not dreams.

Michael Papas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

It lasted only a minute before the dream devoured me once again. It happened last night, as I meditated:

I woke up.

It snuck up on me — in one sudden moment, I was pure awareness and completely without thought. It was the most profound experience in recent memory.

Imagine being dead drunk, taking a pill, and getting instantly sober. Consider the sudden difference in clarity you’d feel snapping out of drunken haziness into clear sobriety. Think of that first clear moment afterward — the clarity, calmness, and focus you’d experience in that instant. Now, remove any distracting thoughts.

That’s what it was like.

From Clouds to Clear Sky

I settled in for the daily meditation from the Waking Up app. But I was distracted as I sat. My mind buzzed with thoughts, my body with sensations. I was in a cloud of distraction, struggling not to struggle with it.

But after a few minutes of concentration, the sky cleared. I experienced what Sam Harris and Jack Kornfield describe as ‘thought cessation’ — a gap in the chain of thought, revealing pure awareness. And while this wasn’t ‘enlightenment’ (whatever that is)…



Michael Papas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Insights from neuroscience, non-dual mindfulness, and psychedelics to upgrade your awareness. For gigs or just to chat, get me at michaelpwriting@gmail.com.