3 Psychological Reasons Why You Will Fail

Combat these problems to move forward in life.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

Failure is a big part of life. You will find many gutsy quotes by the greatest people to walk on this earth preaching the importance of failure. There are so many examples of great artists who failed multiple times before they were given the recognition they deserve. J.K Rowling, Charles Bukowski, Pollock, and Van Gogh to name a few.

You cannot truly enjoy your success unless you have failed in the past. Failure makes every victory sweeter. It is the truth of life, that demands you to have stronger mental resilience and thicker skin.

Like these great artists, you will fail too. Your definition of success will define your level of failure. The higher you aim the more you will fail. Some people fail more than others, and the reason may be their childhood. Your parents and your family can determine how much you fail and how you deal with that failure.

Fear Of Failure Is Transmitted from Parents

Parents are constantly blamed for everything that is wrong with their children. Your primary caregivers can unconsciously affect your view of failure.
How comfortable your parents are with failure will determine your response to failure.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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