3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Any Crucial Decision

How to make decisions based on your higher self.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making Any Crucial Decision
Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

What is next? You know you should have made this decision already. Something is holding you back. It scares you to take the next crucial step. But you know change is the only way forward.

We all have been there. It is scary to take on new challenges, leave a relationship, or to do the right thing. When you are at this crucial point in your life, whatever it is, ask yourself the following 3 questions to decide based on your higher self. Too often, we fall into the ego trap or act out of fear. This prevents us from creating the life we want.

Challenge your status quo with these 3 questions.

Who Decides Your Ego or You?

The ego is our biggest enemy, so why should we let it decide for us? We better watch out. Don't let the ego manipulate you into the wrong decisions.

Ask yourself, is this decision based on your ego or your highest self? Are you afraid of what other people will think about you? Is this decision helping your ego to make up a certain storyline in your head, or is it adding true meaning and purpose to your life?



Karo Wanner
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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