3 Seemingly Positive Habits That Can Keep You Stuck Towards Your Goals

And how you release them.

Michael Rauscher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Let me take a guess: You have some level of ambition. You want more from life, know your goals, and feel like you should start to act on them now. Still, an invisible force seems to hold you back.

Here’s the truth: you already have everything you need to reach your goals. You’re just letting certain things get in your way.

#1 Being stuck in the preparation phase

The most effective strategy to achieve your goals is to show up and put yourself out there.

I’ve seen many skilled people with extraordinary ambitions getting stuck in the preparation trap.

They love to create detailed goal plans. They constantly brainstorm how things will work out in the next 1, 2, 5, and 10 years. They love to read book after book and squeeze out the search machines for more knowledge.

And so, day after day passes without mentionable progress. I was there too. In 2019 and 2020, I wrote dozens of well-guarded stories without showing them to anyone. It took me more than a year to be “prepared enough” to hit the Publish button on Medium.

The number one skill is not the skill per-se. The…



Michael Rauscher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on https://michaelrauscher.substack.com/