3 Self-Help Books That Actually Help

Read these books to improve your life

Tom Addison
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image from Unsplash — Vitaly Gariev

Is it just me or are most self-help books kind of boring, repetitive, and seem to drag on and on? I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve gotten halfway through a self-help book and then I’ve had to put it down because it’s so poor.

If you’re not sure where to look or what books to read, the self-help genre is a minefield. But it’s not all negative. There are some ridiculously brilliant books out there that will help and will go a long way towards improving your life.

Here are 3 of them books…

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits is written by James Clear, who’s one of the world’s leading experts on habit change and formation. At the time of writing, Atomic Habits has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide, which for a self-help book is insane! For me, it’s easy to see why Atomic Habits has sold so many copies, it’s phenomenal!

In Atomic Habits, Clear shows us exactly how we can form good long-lasting habits, and break bad ones, and explains how tiny little changes can lead to remarkable results.

Atomic Habits was one of the first self-help books I ever read, which was several years ago now. Back then it was one of the best, books I’d…



Tom Addison
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write about books and personal development. I've written over 150 articles and publish 2/3 new articles a week. Feel free to subscribe!