3 Signs You May Be a People Pleaser

Many people overlook them

Boateng Sekyere
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A lady blowing kisses at a camera
Photo by Hiki App on Unsplash

Are you a people-pleaser?

Many people will be quick to answer no to that question. Of course, who likes to admit they’re doing something wrong, something as terrible as people-pleasing?

People pleasers try their best to be in the good books of those around them. According to WebMD, people-pleasers try to do anything possible to avoid conflict, even if it means turning into an entirely different person.

As thankless as that task sounds, that’s how some live most of their lives. And you can guess the dreadful results of living that way: you live at the whims of others when you are a people pleaser.

When we were kids, many of us had to deal with aspects of that.

We had to please our parents, siblings, teachers, etc. Not the worst thing in the world, as most kids can’t be trusted with making independent sound judgments.

But as adults, people-pleasing shouldn’t be a part of us. If you're a people pleaser, you’ll find it triply hard to live an authentic life.

Yet that doesn’t deter some people from trying their best to be people-pleasers. Are you one of them? Here are three signs that show you’re a people pleaser.

You just can’t say no



Boateng Sekyere
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer | Photographer in Accra. Grab my free guide on how to write more engaging articles here: https://bit.ly/writ-guide. Say hi at boatengwrites@outlook.com