3 Things I Wish People Knew About the Ego

Plus a simple 4-step process to unmask the ego in any situation.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by kelvin octa from Pexels

You are not in control of your life.

Did you know that? How does this make you feel?

You think that is bullshit? I get it. But the truth is most people live 95% of their lifetime ruled by the ego. It’s like as you have pressed the autopilot button in your Tesla and now everything operates without you making any conscious decisions.

Sounds scary?

This realization is life-changing but also difficult to take in. Take your time to process this. If you feel major resistance coming up now — that's completely normal.

The ego doesn’t really want to change so it can go on complaining. — Eckhart Tolle

The ego does not like to be challenged, like any emperor it does everything to stay in power. So let’s take this step by step.

The Birth of Your Ego

First, we need to understand what the ego is and how it came to be.

When we are born, we are 100% conscious and pure. Children don’t have any filter. They can just enjoy the wonderful moments of life without being tied to an identity. They…



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