3 Things Mindful People Don’t Say

Karo Wanner
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readFeb 9, 2022


3 Things Mindful People Don’t Say
Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

What makes mindful people different?

They have realized that the only power thoughts have is the power we give to them. If we don’t give them any attention, they don’t exist.

Mindful people are powerful. They are co-creating the life they want to live and they take full accountability for their own happiness.

Based on this, there are 3 things mindful people will not say. Here is what to do when you catch yourself thinking or saying these 3 things:

Why is this happening to me?

During tough times we tend to ask ourselves: Why is it always me? Why is this happening to me?

These thoughts come naturally to all of us.

But what happens if we replace this with: everything is happening for me so that I can learn and grow.

You immediately change from being a victim to being the active co-creator of your life. You accept this challenge and move through it not knowing what it is good for.

The universe is like a doctor it prescribes us things in order to procure health. — Marcus Aurelius

Whatever happens in your life, treat everything as medicine that is prescribed for you to become your…



Karo Wanner
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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