3 Tiny Changes That Boosted My Happiness in 2024

How to 10x your happiness this year.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


How to become happier?
Picture by Freepik

Happiness is simple.

We are all chasing it often thinking the new job, more money, or a new relationship will finally make us happy.

Yet, we still feel something is missing.

Happiness is a battle you fight in your head. You can only win it once you realize your happiness depends on your relationship with the present moment.

The more you can enjoy the present moment, the happier you will feel.

Starting in 2024, I made 3 tiny changes that helped me spend more time being present and truly enjoy just being and living my life.

Once you do that happiness becomes simple.

I have never felt this fulfilled before even though I don’t achieve all my goals, have the greatest social life, or have enough me time. As Henry Ward Beecher says:

‘The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things’.

Here is what I do differently in 2024.

I focus on micro-wins

What keeps 95% of people from being happy right now?



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Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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