3 Warning Signs Your Morning Routine Needs to Change

Your real wake-up call that your mornings are no longer working for you

Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


3 warning signs your morning routine needs to change
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Are you hitting the snooze button? Are you replying to emails as soon as you wake up? Are you rolling over as soon as you hear the alarm?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, that’s not a good sign.

We must evaluate our morning routine periodically to make sure we are optimizing our mornings.

We don’t want to go on autopilot as soon as we wake up.

If you feel like you are going through the motions, don’t realize what you just did for the past 10 minutes, and don’t know if you ate breakfast or not, now could be a great time to make a change to your morning routine.

So, how do you really know if it’s time to hit “refresh” on your morning habits? Here are three warning signs or indicators that you could benefit from making tweaks to your mornings.

1. You Don’t Wake Up Excited

It would help if you awakened every morning excited to start the day. Are you energized, motivated, and inspired when you wake up? If not, it’s a warning sign that you need to make a change.



Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

11x Top Writer on Medium | 1M+ Views on Medium | Knowledge Enthusiast | Corporate Man by Day, Entrepreneur by Night | matthewroyse.com