30 Day Smoothie Breakfast Challenge — for Gut Health and Energy

I finally gave oats the flick for the time being

Ange Dim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Blendtopia Smoothies on Unsplash

I love my breakfast! I prefer it over dinner any day.

The mornings are quiet, with my bowl of oats, reading posts on Medium and relishing in my deliciousness.

I find oats very hard to give up — they are just too delicious.

But having them every single day caused some gut challenges for me. Plus, I would always feel uncomfortable afterwards.

Since it’s 2022, I decided now is an excellent time to make a slight change.

It wasn’t hard to transition to smoothies.

Sydney is far too humid for warm oats in the morning.

It just made more sense to have something refreshing and filled with nutrients.

Now, there is a little twist to my smoothies. Mine contains all the veggies I love.

Yes, that’s right, I fill my smoothie with more veggies than fruit.

Here is my favourite recipe for now:



Ange Dim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: https://bit.ly/4cHgO8r