4 AWFUL Habits That Make People Disrespect You

Warning: this is what no one is willing to say, so I will.

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readAug 19, 2023


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Have you ever felt that chilling breeze of disrespect from friends, family, or even strangers?

The slight in their tone, the dismissive look in their eyes, or the cold shoulder when you walk into a room?

It’s a feeling that gnaws at your self-esteem, leaving you wondering, “What did I do wrong?”

But here’s an unsettling thought; What if the answer lies not in what others are doing to you, but in what you’re doing to yourself?

It’s easy to blame others, but the cold, hard truth might be that you’re engaging in habits that are subconsciously signaling to people that it’s okay to disrespect you.

It’s a harsh realization, and it might be difficult to swallow, but understanding this truth is the first step towards commanding the respect you deserve.

What if the path to earning respect starts with a journey inward?

What if by identifying and shedding these AWFUL habits, you could transform the way people perceive and treat you?

In this eye-opening exploration, we’re going to uncover the 4 most destructive habits that could be making people disrespect you, even without them realizing it.

And more importantly, you’ll discover how to turn things around.

Ready to dive into this vital self-discovery?

Your self-respect depends on it!

Failing to Listen — Are You Guilty of This Too?

Imagine sitting down with a friend, sharing a story, and noticing that they’re constantly looking at their phone or interrupting you with unrelated topics.

How does that make you feel? Disrespected, right?

Now, let’s turn the mirror toward ourselves. Are we guilty of this same behavior?

Failing to listen is a chronic issue that not only shows a lack of respect but breeds disrespect in return. When you actively listen, you’re showing that you value the other person’s perspective.

Remember, everyone wants to be heard!

Practice active listening by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and responding appropriately.

Show genuine interest in what others are saying.

If you’ve struggled with this, isn’t it time to change?

Being Overly Critical — Could This Be Why They’re Avoiding You?

Criticism, when done constructively, helps in growth and development. But are you being overly critical without realizing it?

Constantly criticizing others not only makes people uncomfortable but can also lead to a loss of respect for you.

You don’t want to be the person others avoid for fear of being judged, do you?

Focus on providing balanced feedback.

It’s okay to point out areas for improvement, but don’t forget to acknowledge what’s already working well.

Isn’t it time to uplift rather than tear down?

Breaking Promises — A Habit That’s Eroding Trust?

Do you find yourself making promises and failing to keep them?

Think about the last time someone broke a promise to you. It hurt, didn’t it?

Breaking promises may seem trivial, but it’s a habit that erodes trust and respect over time.

Make a vow only when you’re certain you can keep it.

If you slip up, apologize and explain the situation.

Wouldn’t it be better to be seen as reliable and trustworthy?

Time to Turn Things Around — Will You Take the Step?

Disrespect isn’t always something done to us. Sometimes, we are the architects of our own downfall through these awful habits.

The question now is, will you recognize them in yourself and take steps to eliminate them?

The path to gaining respect starts with self-awareness and a commitment to change. The power to command respect lies within you.

Isn’t it time to wield it wisely?

