4 Better Alternatives to Fasting for Executives Over 40 to Lose Body Fat and Improve Energy Levels

And 3 reasons why fasting is the wrong approach for executives over 40.

Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Are you struggling with stubborn body fat (especially around your abdomen)?

As an executive over 40, fasting might seem like a quick fix, but it can actually do more harm than good.

Here’s why fasting isn’t the best approach and what you should focus on instead.

Why Fasting is the Wrong Approach

1. Stress

Fasting is stressful on the body.

You’re already dealing with high levels of stress in your professional life. Adding fasting to the mix increases stress, which actually makes things harder in the long run.

2. Cortisol and Fat Gain

Elevated stress levels can lead to increased cortisol production, which can hinder fat loss and make it difficult to build muscle.

3. Sustaining Energy

As an executive, you need steady energy levels throughout the day to perform at your best. Fasting can disrupt this balance and affect your productivity at work.



Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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