4 Books to Read When You’re Spiritually Awakening

Simple, digestible reads to help you navigate your spiritual journey

Kelsey Kryger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


So, you’re going through a spiritual awakening. It’s kind of a crazy experience, isn’t it?

Going through a spiritual awakening feels slightly unnerving at first. We start to ponder big questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?” On the flip side, there’s an element of childlike excitement and curiosity for the new possibilities that lie ahead.

If you’re feeling confused, lost, or uncertain in the midst of your spiritual awakening, here are four simple, digestible, and helpful books that can help you along the way.

The Untethered Soul by Michael Alan Singer: This was the first book I read as I was just beginning to spiritually “awaken”. It seeks to answer the question: What would it be like to be free from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to find this kind of inner peace and freedom?

The Untethered Soul teaches you how to put an end to the habitual thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness by tapping into meditation and mindfulness practices. Learning to release painful thoughts and memories can better help us achieve joy, presence, and self-realization.

