4 Breathing Exercises That Instantly Calm Your Mind

Breathing is the easiest way of meditation.

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4 Breathing Exercises That Instantly Calm Your Mind
Created by the author in Canva

A master of tea ceremony in Japan accidentally bumped into a soldier. The tea master apologized politely. With great anger, the soldier demanded to settle the conflict in a sword duel.

The tea master had never fought before and didn’t know what to do. So he went to a Zen master with great skill in sword fighting to ask for advice.

During the visit, the tea master did what he does best serving tea for the Zen master. He executed every step of the tea ceremony with perfect concentration and great tranquility.

After the tea ceremony the Zen master said:

Tomorrow, hold your sword above your head as if you are ready to strike. Face your opponent with the same concentration and tranquility with which you perform the tea ceremony.

On the battleground the next day, the tea master precisely followed the Zen master's advice.

The soldier stared at the calm tea master unable to advance. Finally, the soldier lowered his sword, apologized, and left.

4 Breathing Exercises That Instantly Calm Your Mind



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