4 Good Reasons Why I’m Happy I Haven’t Reached My Goals

Allison Ditmer
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJan 25, 2023


author modeling her daughter’s new clothes pins hairstyle (photo property of author)

This is me in the photo above. Just a typical day playing with my 5-year-old and letting her do random things to me like putting clothes pins in my hair.

This is why I left my 9–5 (maybe not for clothes pins in my hair exactly).

I left 15 years in corporate marketing to experience more hours in the day with my kids and focus on this little obsession of mine — writing online.

In this new year of resolutions and goals, I can honestly say I have things I want to accomplish.

I won’t lie.

There is another part of me; however, seriously happy and content that I haven’t reached my goals quite yet.

Hear me out.


When you have a goal, you’ve got a flame refusing to be extinguished inside.

That little flame of mine is trying to make it as a writer. I have no idea how this writing journey is going to work out.

Will I be able to make a living? Can I grow an audience? Will I find clients to financially support this dream of mine?



Allison Ditmer
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, Freelancer, & Organic Traffic Advocate / I like to write about my freelance life and work-life blend. Contact me: allison@allisonditmer.com