4 Mindset Shifts That Will Save You Decades of Time (And Thousands Of Dollars)

The earlier you start, the more you save

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Shivam Dewan on Unsplash

Time is like money.

The earlier you invest your money, the higher returns you will receive in the future. Similarly, the earlier you make use of time, the higher returns you can expect to receive.

But most people are wired to think in terms of “deferred happiness”.

It’s the idea that you work hard when you’re young and you believe it will earn you enough money to enjoy the fruits of your labor in the future.

The problem with this is you probably won’t have as much energy as you think you have right now.

But there are 4 mindset shifts that can save you more time than you can ever imagine based on experience. Making these 4 mindset shifts can save you decades of time.

Here’s how.

#1. Decade thinking

Successful individuals take advantage of a decade of thinking.

They don’t think in terms of the short term where they only focus on how they can put food on the table for the next week or month. What differentiates them is their focus on thinking about the long game.



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Top Writer in Health. I provide actionable insights on Functional Training, Mobility and Hybrid Training. Join my journey as a hybrid athlete!