4 Powerful Money Habits and Mindset Shifts to Increase Your Net Worth

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJan 17, 2021


Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

Our success is strongly correlated with our habits, behavior and our mindset on achievement.

Your subconscious thoughts around your ability to gain and keep money will either propel you forward into wealth, keep you stagnant or, worse, take you down a spiral of debt that could potentially lead to bankruptcy.

If you are not intentional with your mindset and your use of money, you will lose control. Here are some powerful habit and money mindset shifts to start working on today if you want to see your net worth grow.

You’re focused on increasing your income, but not your budgeting strategy

Being in good financial standing is 90% mindset. This is why people win the lottery, then go broke within five years. In fact, one-third of lottery winners have declared bankruptcy in the United States.

Sure, increasing your income will give you added wiggle room for your spending but if you continue the same behaviors of the past, you’ll still find yourself living very close to or above your means. In addition to earning a livable wage, adopting good budgeting habits, and consistently revisiting your budget will go a lot further than increasing your income alone.



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Live, laugh, drink, fuck, feel pretty, be merry. Sometimes haha funny, sometimes weird funny. Life from the perspective of a near-30 Latina