4 Quotes by Eckhart Tolle To Spark Your Awareness

You learn a lot by observing, not reacting.

Suzan Dalia
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readMay 13, 2020


Eckhart Tolle is a man who once considered suicide because he found no purpose in his life. Life made no sense to him. He would try to run away from the thoughts that took control over him. He moved from Germany to Spain at the age of 13. He moved to London at the age of 19, later on, became homeless, sleeping on the bench at a park, and watch the world move in motion. No money in his pocket and had no job at that moment. You could quite say his life made no sense. No roof over his head, no place to call his home, and no hope.

In his late 20’s he had a spiritual awakening. He finally realized the true purpose of his life and life made more sense to him. He went through a spiritual transformation and that’s when his best-selling book sold 3 million copies in North America alone by 2009. The book is called “The Power of Now”

Today he is 72 but looks quite younger than his age. The more peace you have inside, the younger you look on the outside. The more war you have inside, the older you look on the outside. It’s because stress speeds up the aging process. He has no stress in his life because he observes his thoughts. He doesn’t let them control him.

If he can find peace after his devastating past, so can you. To spread your awareness bigger, I’ve picked up 4 quotes by Eckhart Tolle to spark your awareness. They will make you understand your inner world better.

1. “The past has no power over the present moment.”

Be pregnant with happiness. Your inner world has to be filled with happiness if you want your outer world to be filled with happiness.

Live in the present.

The past is history. It’s in the past.

The past is done and long gone. There is nothing to do about it. You can’t live in a place that doesn’t exist anymore. You can’t live in the ancient that’s history. The only time you live in right now is the PRESENT MOMENT. It’s right here and right now. That’s all you got. So cherish every moment of it.

Live in the present moment and I’d recommend observing the present moment when you’re surrounded by nature. Nature is the cherry on top of your experience. You can observe the present moment in your own home, but doing it in nature makes your experience more wholesome.

The experience gives you a reason to live.

If you want peace, you have to seek peace and the peace will seek you too.

2. “You are the sky. The clouds are what happens, what comes and goes.”

You’re not your thoughts. People define themselves by their thoughts. They think they’re their own thoughts. It’s false. You’re only the observer (sky) and thoughts (clouds) come and go as usual. It’s important you don’t take your thoughts personally and letting it trigger you. People are unconscious of how they’re thinking these days. Once you’re conscious of your thoughts, you’ll be able to observe your thoughts without being triggered.

You’re the cashier, the customers are what comes and goes. Some customers are nice, some customers are negative. But they come and go. You’re the cashier who’s the observer.

When bad thoughts flow by, just think
“What a silly thought! Oh well, it will pass by itself anyway.”

It’s a rare skill most people miss these days.

3. “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”

Thoughts come and go. That’s not the problem. The problem is your attitude towards your thoughts. The more attitude you bring towards your thoughts, the worse it’ll get. Like you’ve heard before: “Don’t feed the trolls.”
Don’t feed the thoughts. Don’t make it worse than it is. Don’t waste your time and energy feeding more negativity into the thoughts. You’re only making it worse. Feed it and you’ll cause an explosion. Don’t start an explosion. Instead, accept the situation you’re in and find solutions to how you can prevent what makes you unhappy in life.

Don’t be focused on the negativity. Focus on positivity. Try to find positive blessings in your life. Small or big, it doesn’t matter. Waking up for a cup of tea is a blessing in itself.

Whenever you get unhappy thoughts just think:
“Things will get better, not worse. There IS a solution to this problem. There is always a way out.”

4. “Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.”

If you’re always a serious person, you must be boring to hang out with. Sorry to say. I know you want to take responsibility in life, that’s great. However, you should balance being a chill person and a serious person. Serious when something serious happens, and chill when there is time to chill. Life is not that serious, people make it serious. Our mind can lock us in a trap where we overthink and get anxious. It’s your job to get out of the trap and see the whole picture that clearly shows it’s not that serious as it looks.

Take a deep breath and let loose. Don’t always be an intense person. Don’t always take your thoughts so seriously. If dramatic thoughts are flowing by, just let them. Look at them without responding to them. Just watch them fly by. Take the thoughts as a grain of salt but don’t let it consume you. You got 1 life, make plenty of happy memories to remember.


Whenever your thoughts start to consume you, remember these quotes. Remind yourself to be the observer. Silly thoughts come and you shouldn’t take them too seriously, despite the dramatic thoughts coming by. Don’t let thoughts control and consume you. Don’t even control the thoughts. Don’t try to.

Just observe.

That’s all you have to do.

