4 Quotes From Socrates That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing…

Rishabh Sharma
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Shane Perry on Unsplash

Socrates lived between 469 and 399 B.C.E. and he is one of the most famous philosophers in the entire history of humankind. He is sometimes considered as the founder of Western philosophy and his work reflects the philosophy of Skepticism, which has as its main base is that knowledge can be obtained through systematic doubt and continual testing.

Although Socrates hasn’t written anything, he has forever changed philosophy itself. Most of the things we know today about his philosophy came from Plato, Aristophanes and Xenophon whose writings are in the form of
dialogues between Socrates and other Athenians.

These writings gave birth to a new literary genre called the Socratic dialogue. Unfortunately, he is also famous for his tragic life. In 399 BCE, he was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens and of failing to acknowledge the city’s official gods. After a trial that lasted just a single day, he was sentenced to death.

He spent his last day in prison, refusing to escape. The way his life ended can be considered as the founding myth of philosophy as a discipline. For one to really practice philosophy, they have to go against societal norms, to…



Rishabh Sharma
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Passionate wordsmith with a penchant to explore the depths of creativity.