4 Steps to Self-Knowledge

How to stop seeking answers from others and become your own guru

Josh Chandler Morris
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Go on to social media on any given day and there will be a cavalcade of psychologists, yoga teachers, and life coaches prescribing solutions to your problems. From spotting narcissism or toxicity in our partners and friends to sure-fire steps to ensuring the healthiest, most productive life possible.

There is a lot of value in some of these methods. It’s great to use other's routines and philosophies to inspire. It’s also probably a good thing to try and understand the psychology of those closest to us, but the problem I have with a lot of these articles is that they seem to prescribe generalized answers to what can be very specific problems.

Know Thyself

One of the most fundamental maxims in Ancient Greek culture was ‘know thyself’. Socrates believed it to be at the core of his philosophy of life.

So why is this phrase so important?

I think it’s because it allows us to regain power, it prevents us from being subject to the knowledge and advice of others. The idea that somewhere deep down we hold the solutions to our problems is an incredibly liberating one.



Josh Chandler Morris
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A jeweller by day, writer by night. Exploring Eastern philosophy, spirituality and politics. Creator of The Inspiration Journal www.harshrealm.co.uk