5 Daily Habits of Mentally Strong People

Want to become more resilient? Add these 5 habits into your life.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


habits of strong minded person, how to become mentally strong?
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I was on the Stockholm subway with my toddler, who was getting fussy because it was nearly nap time.

Suddenly, a woman in her sixties approached me, insisting Levi was overdressed and hot.

I told her he was fine and we were about to get off the subway. Her face expression made it crystal clear she thought I was clueless.

I got out of the subway feeling super uncomfortable.

Outside, she followed me, poking at Levi’s jacket and continuing to argue that he was overdressed. Seriously?

What was a 5-minute argument turned into a prolonged mental battle.

It would have been best to let go immediately.

Instead, the voice in my head began to doubt me. Was he too hot? Was I wrong?

Once I ensured myself that his clothing choice was appropriate, the voice went from seeding doubt to outrage.

‘Who is she to lecture me?’ Then the voice had imaginary conversations with my mom-friends and everybody got worked up — until I caught myself.

I took a deep breath and decided to let this encounter go nor did I waste more energy bringing…



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Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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