5 Daily Habits You Need to Practice to Grow a Positive Mindset

Shadman Rahman
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readOct 11, 2020

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” — Lyndon B. Johnson

“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.” — Dalai Lama

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller

There were these times when I needed these quotes the most. And I know very well that I will need them later as well. Like why wouldn’t I? Have been living with no family, or barely anyone to whom you go upon and let go off all the sh*t of your mind. Sounds like a typical college student right?

Sometimes I just sit back and think person ‘X’ has such a successful relationship, ‘Y’ goes to an amazing college, ‘Z’ got a rich dad; WHY NOT ME!
I am pretty sure you can relate to me to some extent. But hey, for now lets think positive.

Everyone has their own battle that remain unseen to the eyes of the mass crowd. Those rich dads worked their a** off day and night. That guy with a successful relationship skipped so many plans only to spend time with the love of his life (vice versa for his partner). That student, let’s say studying at UC Berkley, probably spent countless sleepless nights .

Long story short, this picture could not get any truther…

Photo courtesy : Amazon.com

So what am I trying to imply at the end of the day?

Daily practice to grow a positive mindset

1. Express gratitude for what you have

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” — Henry Ward Beecher

There are children literally aged around 4–5 years constantly roaming across the streets in my country. No clothes, no food , no shelter, no end to their struggles. But I have seen them smiling very often — they smile when they play, they smile when someone hand over a chocolate, they smile when it rains heavy on them and they can’t stop jumping on and off.

Look, before you throw your rage at me, no way I am saying it is your fault you took birth to a family that earns around $5000 a month. Your pain obviously got all the sympathy it deserves. No one has to judge to be quite respectful.

Rather what I am trying to say here is quite simple if you didn’t get me yet.
You need to appreciate what you have.

This is how exactly you can do it. Wake up early every morning. Write down what you are grateful for, even if it is just one. And then try to realize what you have today is something someone on the other corner of the world will only dream to have.

I want you to understand that happiness is a choice. I have to get a little harsh and say it in your face. If you do not learn to be happy for what you have, you will barely be happy for everything you get.

2. Keep yourself busy

My mom always tells me this,“ An idle mind is the devil’s workplace.”. Honestly I think I do not have to debate that this is true in some case. When your schedule is completely occupied you rarely have time to think all other stuffs. You are probably busy finishing your work fast and later hangout with your friends, or spend some quality time with family, or even go on a fine dine with your love.

3. Maintain healthy diet

I cannot stress any more how prominent effect diet has on your mental health.

“A very large body of evidence now exists that suggests diet is as important to mental health as it is to physical health,” says Felice Jacka, president of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research.

Research suggests that two thirds of people who don’t have daily mental health problems eat fresh fruit or have fruit juice every day. The statistics are the same for those who eat fresh vegetables and salad every day. On the other hand, those who eat fewer healthy foods, including junk food like chips and ready meals, report higher levels of mental health problems. A balanced diet should include a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, calcium and carbohydrates.

Now I definitely cannot argue on what you should and shouldn’t have but hey, it is what it is. I just want people on this earth to live happy.

4. Extend your helping hand to others

I have always noticed how helping others significantly boost up my positive mindset. Whenever I see a couple I know very well breaking down badly, it feels as if almost my own relationship has fallen apart. I reach out to them incase they are looking for someone to share their problems. If it is something I can solve, I do not hesitate to advise what might go wrong or right.
I just want to see people enjoying their relationship because in one way or other that gives me some sort of a positive vibe that tells me among all the heartbreaks, there remains a chance of building a beautiful bond within two souls.

So do you see what I am saying here? Making someone happy makes me happy in some way. It is a process that allow me to drive towards the end of a tunnel, only to realize happiness waits for me on the other side just after all the ups and downs.

5. Follow your heart

There is noting better than being happy with what you love doing in your life. Even if it’s a 9–5 job as a waiter, cashier, tutor, mechanic or anything. If you love what you’re doing everyday, you actually love your life. Simple.

But if it is the other way round, you should have second thoughts by now. And its completely okay cutting yourself off of something or someone that doesn’t bring pleasure but all the negativity . This will only make your life a living hell.

You are among us. You live with pain and pleasure. If you never taste pain, you will never understand what it takes to be happy. I know it takes a lot to carry the pain but it doesn’t take much to believe in yourself, realize you’re worthy enough, and understand that life has to offer limitlessly.



Shadman Rahman
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Bachelor of Software Engineering | Tech enthusiast | Loves playing guitar |