5 Easy Steps to a More Active You

It’s simpler than you think, and it doesn’t require an expensive gym membership.


Photo by Coen van de Broek on Unsplash

A friend of mine recently told me how impressed she was that I still manage to find time to stay active despite my busy schedule.

“I could never do it,” she said. “I’m just not an active person,” she added with resignation.

It amazes me how often I have had conversations like this. Many people still have this notion that being active requires so much more from them than it does. No, you don’t need to sign up for expensive gym memberships, spend hours lifting weights, or run for miles on end. Just because you don’t look and feel the part, it doesn’t mean you can’t.

“But yes, you can,” I said emphatically.

Anyone can. All you need to do is start.

Here are my five simple tips for anyone just starting on their journey to a more active lifestyle.

Find an activity you enjoy.

Be it running, yoga, sports, or CrossFit…your options are endless! Try different activities until you find one you like doing. When you enjoy what you’re doing, time passes by quickly, doing it won’t feel like a chore, and you’re more likely to stay motivated.

