5 Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition

It will show you the path whenever you feel lost.

Katarzyna Portka
Change Your Mind Change Your Life



We all possess a superpower — our intuition.

It is your personal guidance system that helps you discern between right and wrong. You don’t need to google every dilemma. To download the solution to the problem, you have to tune within.

Connecting to your inner wisdom instead of relying on technology is a powerful asset.

We live in a society that suffers from binge eating, panic attacks, anxiety and chronic stress. We became disconnected from our true selves. As a response, our bodies no longer feel safe as we follow the trend of hyper-productivity.

Your Powerful Self yearns to connect with your intuition. It is not your natural state to live in fear but in peace and harmony with your body, thoughts, and environment.

Intuition is that inner, unquestionable, but very subtle knowing of what to do in a given situation.

Intuition is not a loud sign from heaven. It is a gentle whisper.

Many people cannot hear their inner guidance. In the bustle of everyday life, we chase after the next high and try to control the course of life while neglecting the wisdom within.



Katarzyna Portka
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Hungry for advice? I am here for you. I write about small habits that lead to monumental changes.