5 Mindfulness Tools That Instantly Calm Your Mind

‘Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax’ — Bryant McGill

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A professor held a glass of water in front of her students. They were expecting the typical question of whether the glass is half full or half empty.

But the professor asked them:

How heavy is this glass?

The crowd went crazy shouting different weights. The professor smiled and said:

If I hold this glass for 1 minute, it is light like a feather.

If I hold this glass for one hour, it becomes heavy.

If I hold this glass until tonight it becomes unbearable.

If I hold it until tomorrow, my arm will collapse, and the glass will drop.

Your worries and stress are like this glass of water. If you don't release them as soon as possible, they will get heavier and heavier until you can’t bear them anymore and break down.

Whatever happens in your life, try to drop all heavy thoughts and worries as quickly as possible. So you can go back to calm and peace.

This is one of the most important life lessons for lasting happiness and longevity.



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