5 Science-Backed Strategies to Navigate Holiday Parties Without Gaining Weight

How to enjoy the holidays guilt-free.

Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Weight gain might seem inevitable over the holiday season.

With all the holiday parties and Christmas lunches, the average American gains 1–2 pounds over the holiday season.

But with the right strategy, you can avoid falling into this trap — and instead, even be a few pounds down by the start of the New Year.

Here are 5 strategies to navigate the holiday parties to avoid putting on weight this holiday season.

1. Strategic Nutrition

Your focus should be protein & produce (i.e., fruits and vegetables).

If the majority of your plate is filled with these, you’ll be just fine.

2. Post-Prandial Walks

Walking after a meal will significantly reduce your blood sugar spikes — which is key to preventing weight gain.

Aim to go for a gentle 10–15 minute stroll after your meals.

3. Smart Supplementation

Natural supplements can help avoid weight gain by supporting blood sugar levels, increasing satiety, and improving insulin sensitivity.



Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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