5 Sharon Salzberg Quotes on Real Happiness and How to Grow It

Inspiration to help you transform attitudes and assumptions that block your happiness

Sandra Pawula
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


We all long for happiness, don’t we?

But often our actions are misaligned with our goal. So we end up creating suffering for ourselves instead.

Popular author and meditation teacher, Sharon Salzberg ties real happiness to mindfulness and awareness.

Salzberg has taught Vipassana meditation since 1974—close to fifty years. And she’s written 11 books on meditation including Real Happiness, The Power of Meditation and Real Happiness at Work, Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace.

But you don’t have to be a meditator to benefit from Salzberg’s wisdom.

Use these quotes as a springboard to examine the assumptions and attitudes that block your happiness. Then gradually, turn them around one by one. As you do, you’ll crack open the door to a little more happiness and then a little more as each day goes by.

And that’s what you want, isn’t it?

“The mind thinks thoughts that we don’t plan. It’s not as if we say, ‘At 9:10 I’m going to be filled with…



Sandra Pawula
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Essays to calm your mind, ease your heart and access your inner wisdom. I love Hawaii, mindfulness, and living with ease. https://sandrapawula.substack.com/