5 Simple and Effective Stress Management Techniques

Here’s how you can destress yourself every day

Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


5 simple and effective stress management techniques
Photo by processingly on Unsplash

It can feel like that everywhere you go stress is unavoidable. From being under pressure at work, facing big life changes like marriage or divorce, worrying about your parents getting older, or having too many work responsibilities that you find your job overwhelming.

There are a lot of stress triggers that exacerbate our emotions. It’s tough to find your flow and concentrate on activities that need our deepest focus. If you feel like your world is crumbling around you, introduce some of these straightforward and proven habits into your daily life.

There are five simple and effective stress management techniques that can help you overcome stress and excel in your personal and professional life.

1. Exercise

Exercise is a great stress reliever. You don’t have to hit the gym or train for a marathon to take advantage of exercise. You can take a walk around the block during a break at work. Getting your body moving releases endorphins that improve your mood.

Yet, over 80% of adults don’t meet government guidelines for getting 30 minutes of exercise every day. Exercise stimulates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your body. When your heart and…



Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

11x Top Writer on Medium | 1M+ Views on Medium | Knowledge Enthusiast | Corporate Man by Day, Entrepreneur by Night | matthewroyse.com