5 Subtle Signs You Might Be an Introvert

And how to deal with it

Larisa B.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Relief. That’s what I felt when I learned I’m an introvert — relief. My head stopped spinning and everything started to make sense. Pfew, I’m not weird.

It never occurred to me, though. Why would it? I’m not shy. Quite the opposite. I’ve traveled alone around the world and I’ve never had problems approaching strangers. I love being in big groups of people. I have a bubbly personality so I’m the center of attention more often than not.

Yet, it always drained me. After a few days of being with lots of people, I always felt tired. But because I didn’t understand it at the time, I never gave myself the space I needed. So most of the time I would just end up being sad and grumpy.

Why do I feel exhausted after spending time with my loved ones? I kept asking myself the same questions until that annoying voice in my head would conclude that I’m just weird. That I push people away.

Those viral posts on Instagram didn’t help either. Fear of commitment. Emotional unavailability. Wait, do I have all of these? Am I the broken one?

As it turns out, I’m not. I’m just an introvert. I need to recharge after social gatherings. I still love going to them, though. Please don’t stop inviting me. My friends don’t read my articles…

