5 Types of Rest We Need to Be Productive Every Day

Rest is different than sleep; here’s why

Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


5 types of rest we need to be productive every day
/ Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash

If you don’t get rest, you can end up in a vicious circle.

You get exhausted. You max out. You crash.

You get eight hours of sleep, and you start over the next day, but you still feel tired.


It’s critical to remember that sleep and rest are different. Sleep is a body function, while rest is more than that. Rest is about your whole self, not just your body.

When you rest, you restore your overall health — your mind, emotions, and social being.

Rest can help you enhance your productivity every day and help you have a better sense of who you are. It helps you grow out of your exhaustion.

It’s helpful to have sleep and rest in your daily life.

Rest is often looked at as an essential part of your productivity. To make sure you have the energy every day, we need different types of rest. Rest restores different parts of your life and helps you relax, refocus, and reboot yourself during the day.

Here are the five types of rest and why they are important.

1. Physical Rest



Matthew Royse
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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