5 Ways to Ensure You’re Treating Someone With Dignity
Not only in the “right way”.
Ensuring you’re treating someone with dignity, easy right?
Not so much.
Simple maybe, easy no. Simple because it just requires active listening, treating without judgement, blame, toxic shame, or criticism.
Everyone is nodding along, yeah! I never do that.
If you’re saying that then it’s almost a guarantee that you treat people in those ways:
She who knows that she does not know is best off.
He who pretends to know but doesn’t is ill.
Only someone who realises he is ill can become whole.
The sage is not ill because she recognises
this illness as illness,
Therefore she is not ill.
~ Tao Te Ching ~
I’m only firm here because the cultural narrative in the west is so firm in its stance. Everyone believes they’re a good person because it’s contained in our culture, no more no less.