5 Ways You Can Rejuvenate Your Relationship With Your Partner

Shadman Rahman
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readOct 11, 2020
Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Life feels good when you tell your friends that you have been loving this woman/man for 5 years, 10 years or even more. You feel like a successful partner. You feel like ‘We’ve made it’ and the overwhelming happiness whatsoever is unexplainable; I understand it.

But do you know regardless of how successful your relationship is its always meant to go stale if you do not know how to rejuvenate it?
Look, whenever its about relationship there is no better advice I get till date than this:

“If you like a flower, you pluck it. If you love a flower, you water it.”

If in case you did not catch this quote, it basically implies the fact that just as the flower need water daily to bloom, your relationship demands all the necessities to bloom like a beautiful flower at the end of the day. Under any circumstance I can barely stress any more how truthful this is.

Ways to rejuvenate your relationship

1. Plan for a holiday trip

I know you might have to wake up at 8 every morning, go out to your 9–5 job, can’t get any more tired while coming back home, and just when the clock hits 11pm you don’t have the power to resist your eyelids shutting down. It’s okay you know; nothing to blame. But do you not think if this happens 6–7 days a week, you’re literally losing your attachment with your partner?

Here’s what you need to do. Plan for a trip minimum one week prior to it, pack your bags, leave your children with your parents or friends, get the hell out of your home with the love of your life snuggled down your arms.

This is not just about going on trips. Its about giving your partner undivided attention. Its about relaxing at a sea beach and as the sun sets down, your soul shall appreciate the moment of togetherness. Let me tell you this is one moment you will cherish forever.

2. Set a time every day to hear what your partner has to say

I need not to relate anymore how your work days are meant to be tiresome, but no matter what you must pick a minimum of 30 minutes off of your day to just listen to what your love has to share.

You may ask how was their office? Ask how was their meeting? Are they enjoying their work life? Did they have their meal on time? How about their health?

And if that’s too much to ask, just listen to what they have to say. Cause I feel at the end of the day you need someone with a strong sense of empathy who can listen whatever you have to say. There’s probably nothing more relieving.

3. Stroll down the memory lane

You might have already guessed what am I talking about. If your in this relationship for more than a year, talk to your partner about how you felt when your first saw them. Explain why did you fall in love with them in the first place. What is that distinct quality that you so much adore and could not help but fall for? Cherish some of those good old memories. You will see how your feelings get deeper. Nostalgia hits on a whole new level and you can’t miss those days anymore honestly.

4. Use subtle physical contacts

Hold hands or give warm tight hugs. Actually that’s all. These are more than enough. Sitting in a park, walking down the streets, window shopping at a mall, watching a movie, lying on bed — Hold Hands and Hug.

Researchers suggests a 20 second hug and holding hands significantly lowers the level of stress hormones like cortisol in your body. Besides, it reduces the harmful physical effects of stress and its impact on blood pressure and heart rate.

5. Surprise with unexpected gifts

I guess I don’t necessarily have to explain to details how you going to do that.
You should know by now your partner’s likes and dislikes. If its a box of chocolates, get one. If its sushi, get a bento-box maybe.
For instance I love cashew nut salad and if my partner surprise me with one, man I’m done asking from her!

The story is, you possibly cannot stress any more over your work life so when you get surprises like these you grow a positive vibe that carries you away through your thick and thin.

Sometimes people say beautiful relationships are hard to find. I find this wrong. Rather beautiful relationships are hard to build. You know why? We simply get caught up in the thoughts of “finding the perfect relationship” and not building one. If a couple know how to nurture their relationship, I believe they are already half done! I hope the flower to your relationship blooms to a garden with butterflies.



Shadman Rahman
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Bachelor of Software Engineering | Tech enthusiast | Loves playing guitar |