6 Keys to Unlocking the Power of Choice

Applying the sunk cost fallacy to our decision making

John R. Miles
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Woman in store using the power of choice
Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

All day, every day, you are interacting with the world around you. Other people, places, things, ideas, your internal monologue, and so forth. Everything that happens to you, you have a choice in how to respond. But, it’s unlocking the power of choice in life’s most crucial moments that can truly make the difference between success and failure, passion or indifference, and optimism or pessimism.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom,” -Victor Frankl

Most of the decisions we make daily are thoughtless and automatic. Our lives tend to become so habitualized that we stop consciously thinking about many of the choices that we face. We continue with the status quo, what we have grown to be comfortable with. Unfortunately, we become so used to this mindless way of making decisions that many of us miss out on opportunities because we fail to act.

So often, too many of us choose to be in things such as an unfulfilled job, an unhappy relationship, where you may love the person, but you know, it’s not the right thing for you. Or we may have trauma in our life. And instead of making the decision to face that trauma…



John R. Miles
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Award-winning author, Speaker, and Host of the #1 Passion Struck podcast. My mission is to guide you in becoming your best self. More at www.johnrmiles.com