6 Signs You’re Highly Respected by Those Around You

Even if you’re not aware of it

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Theo Decker from Pexels

By Destiny Femi

People who get the most respect often care the least about it. They don’t try to get attention or force people to like them. And this is precisely why they are able to earn respect.

Respect is a tricky thing. You don’t get it by actively getting people to notice you. In fact, most of the things that get you respect are the things that might make you appear disagreeable at first. This is because people — consciously or subconsciously — put you on a test before giving their respect to you.

They want to see if you’ll call them out for consistently showing up late or just suck up to them because you’re afraid of being disliked.

Sure, there may be some tension when you first start establishing your character as someone worthy of respect. But in the long run, you’ll establish yourself as someone who deserves respectful treatment from others.

If you’re someone people respect, chances are, you probably didn’t pre-arrange or ask for it. So you may not even notice. But here are some signs that can tell you people hold you in high esteem.

They value your time

