6 Things I Let Go for Better Mental Health

Sometimes it’s what we leave behind that makes our lives richer.

Carolyn Bertolino
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Have you ever heard the phrase “Let go and let God”? You don’t have to be religious to benefit from letting yourself give up some control in your life. Holding on to habits that are no longer beneficial can stifle our creativity as well as our life satisfaction. Over the years, I’ve given up the following things and it has improved my quality of life.

1. Unnecessarily rigid schedules

My carefully scheduled fitness routine is now a thing of the past after having been a slave to fitness all my adult life. It’s not necessarily that I worked out more than the average person who cares about fitness, but I thought I needed to have exercise time planned out for pretty much the whole week.

I still work out regularly, but if it doesn’t fit perfectly into my schedule I don’t stress about it. Instead I either allow myself to be flexible on the time, or just work in some extra the next day or the day after that. After years of being overly concerned about how well or not so well I was doing at a certain skill in a sport I’ve since taken down a notch, it’s refreshing to just work out strictly for the exercise benefits and nothing else.

