6 Things Mindful People Don’t Value
#6 They don’t value time.
The way we experience each day is deeply shaped by our belief systems — often without us even realizing it.
If your goal is to live a contented life with a calm mind, six common beliefs might be holding you back from that peace.
These beliefs are so widely valued by society that questioning them can feel counterintuitive, even uncomfortable.
Read this with an open mind and remember our minds don’t like when their core beliefs are challenged.
Take a look at each one, and ask yourself:
Which of these beliefs feels challenging to let go of? And which ones do you already see through?
Let me know where you land — I’d love to hear your reflections.
#1 They don’t value feeling worthy
Imagine you want to become a runner. You have an idea of what being a runner looks like: maybe running three times a week, enjoying each run, and having some cool running gear.
But when do you actually become a runner? The answer isn’t in trying; it’s in deciding you already are one — and just running!
It’s similar with feeling worthy.