7 Scientific Reasons Watching Movies Is Good For Your Mental Health

What everyone should know about its positive emotional effects

Thomas J. Hahn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


When we were growing up, most of us have been told by our parents that consuming too many movies or TV shows can be a waste of time and that we should do something meaningful instead, like going out playing with our friends.

And like every warning our parents spoke out, it contains a sparkle of truth.

There are people who treat this medium as a form of escapism.

They try to escape reality, similar to using drugs or alcohol because their lives are not adventurous enough.

Excessive overconsumption of TV, film, or any other type of media is ridiculous and unhealthy.

Especially during this ongoing global pandemic, this problem is getting more and more serious for many people.

What no one told you about movies

Yet, in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with watching a lot of movies, as long as it stays in healthy relations with the other areas of your life.

It’s always important to keep one’s balance.

And watching a great story being told on the screen, particularly together in a group…



Thomas J. Hahn
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

BA in Business; Fitness trainer and personal coach; I'm writing about Diet, Health and Fitness. 🇦🇹 IG: @tommysphysiqueupgrade