7 Signs You’re Going Through a Dark Night of the Soul

#4 You’re having physical symptoms you’ve never had before.

Patrícia Williams
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Matthew Brodeur on Unsplash

A dark night of the the soul is defined as a spiritual journey that forces you to shed previous beliefs, habits and relationships, so that you can make the transition to a more mindful, fulfilling life.

It shakes every aspect of your life. It makes you question every aspect of your existence. Basically, it drives you nuts.

The good news is, there’s a purpose behind it. I’ve been going through my own dark night of the soul for over a year now, and no matter how painful it has been, I can say with confidence that I needed it. I needed to let go of many people and beliefs that were not serving me anymore. I needed to change.

But change is hard. It’s distressing. That’s why we resist it — and that’s why we need such a transformative experience.

These are some of the signs you’re going through one.

1. You feel completely lost, powerless and hopeless

You feel like you have no sense of direction. You may have an idea of where you want to go, but you don’t know when or how to get there.

