8 Ways to Transform Your Stress into a Positive Headspace

Stress is sometimes unavoidable. So, use it in your favor.

Michael Rauscher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Fernando Cabral from Pexels

You’re in a meeting while preparing for the next meeting. Your inner wisdom screams for fresh air while you’re forcing yourself to get another task done. You hardly fall asleep since you’re thinking about tomorrow’s deadlines.

Do you recognize yourself in these scenarios? If you’re taking massive action, stress is sometimes unavoidable. That’s why it is crucial to find effective strategies to use stress to your advantage rather than working against your health.

The first step to dealing with stress is to recognize it — then, you can decide what you want to do with it — to see stress as either enhancing or incapacitating.

The following simple strategies can turn the excessive energy from stress into resilience, clarity, and productivity.

#1 Have a rock-solid shutdown routine.

It’s hard to detach from work if you’re already thinking about tomorrow’s tasks. Higher workloads and a multitude of tasks can cloud the mind. Unfinished lines of thinking loop in your head and create stress spirals.

Detach from work by doing a brain dump. A focused 5 minutes shutdown routine can already



Michael Rauscher
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on https://michaelrauscher.substack.com/