89% Of the Most Successful People Use Their Time in These 6 Productive Ways

Success is a by-product of how you spend your time.

Michael Lim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.

But we all invest it differently. Some choose to learn, while others choose to be entertained. There’s no judgment from me. But different choices create different results.

I’ve observed how successful people use their time.

Here’s what I learned.

#1: What you do in your spare time

I’ve become ruthless when it comes to my time.

Why? Because:

  • How you spend your minutes, is how you spend your hours.
  • How you spend your hours is how you spend your days.
  • How you spend your days, determines your week, month, and year. And ultimately, your life.

I’ve distanced myself from activities and people who drain my energy or feel like I have to filter myself around.

Successful people spend their time on high-leverage activities:

  • Learning
  • Mindfulness
  • Time with inspiring friends and family



Michael Lim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I help 9-5 workers start a one-person business without quitting their jobs. Start building your biz here -> https://michaellim.ck.page/crashcourse 🚀