9 Life-Changing Places You Are Not Yet Allowed to Visit

And they offer more insights than you might think.

Daniel Hövermann
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Currently, you are probably not able to travel as much as you want to. Even if you could travel, there are places around the earth that you are not yet allowed to visit. These places contain the magic that almost nobody can imagine.

They are either spiritual, religious, beautiful, or humorous. By reading these lines, you will maybe think about the places you want to visit in the future (and after COVID-19).

The best memories that come to one’s mind are often connected to moments that take your breath away. And I believe some of these moments are connected to certain places in your past.

You might want to travel to these places to forget the future AND the past and enjoy the moment. And leave the cellphone where it belongs — in the pocket. Take a picture with your mind.

#1 The Secret Parts of Pyramids

When I visited Egypt, I was only 12 years old. At that time, you were allowed to climb the pyramids. But my parents said that I would be too young. Back then, I was only slightly sad. Today, I know that it was one of the biggest chances I never took.



Daniel Hövermann
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

changing thoughts, behavior, and beliefs; a soul that finds the best way to be the biggest gift to you! Enjoy the ride!