97% of People Spoil Their Life This Way

While ignoring it.

Sumanpreet Kaur
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJun 25, 2024


Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

Ever feel like doing everything you were told to but not achieving anything?

Sense dragged despite listening to everyone?

And it demotivates when you see poor returns of your given 100%.

After reflecting on my mistakes and missteps, I realized most people (including me) spoil their lives by becoming powerless.

We become powerless when we have more belief in others’ words than our instincts. Its span depends upon whether we rectify our approach or keep following the eroded path told by others.

As I was building my audience online on LinkedIn where I listened to other creators mindlessly to write this way, engage in others’ content, how to write, what to write, and so forth. That made me feel lost like standing in the night just looking around where to go when there was no direction.

Finally, I took a break from that platform and I don’t know how long it will go. It’s just a small scenario and no idea if we quit just because things don’t work out while following everything (except your inner voice).

This is what happens wrong with you

When God gifted you the power in your thinking and mindset, however, you get away from it by not believing in your feelings and inner callings.

You get unsolicited suggestions mostly at every turn of your lives — what career to choose? Which study streams to choose?

Rather than just believing in others, try to question yourself.

Let’s get more specific.

You’re reading here. That means you also create content and build your audience. Every day you see countless suggestions coming to you whenever you open any app.

Will you keep accepting all?

Last week, I was on a call with a creator when he said to engage more and more on X.

Why will I?

When my thinking says that first engage then DM them and build connections.

Then, on the other side, why would I engage in random 50 people and waste my time? That will be far less effective than interacting with people in DMs. No familiarity. No connections.

We encounter multiple cases like this from content creation to career and life.

And we keep degrading our lives being unaware of how blindly we follow and listen to everyone ignoring our inner voice.

So, the real power is in your instincts. Believe. Believe. Believe.

Then, you will be less overwhelmed, less overthink, and have fewer doubts.

Follow what your inner voice says to remove blockages from your path and walk confidently.

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