A 30 Day Challenge to Improve Your Life

It won’t be easy but it will be worth it

Leon Macfayden
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Pixabay on pexels.com

I am setting you a challenge — change your life for the better in the next thirty days. This challenge is not for the faint of heart because thirty days is NOT enough time to allow any coasting.

If you see this challenge through I promise you will have set yourself a firm foundation to build the life of your dreams. On top of that, you will have shown yourself you can stick to a plan of action and create your future. What better time than now to get started?

1. Declutter Your Life

I mean this both physically and concerning relationships.

The physical aspect is the easiest. Get rid of “stuff.” By that, I mean anything hindering you in your day-to-day life. Donate it, sell it, burn it — I don’t care but get rid of it. As Jordan Peterson would say, “Clean your room!”

Mentally, decluttering leads to better focus, higher self-esteem, and better relationships. Physically, it enables you to get more done faster, which vastly increases Productivity.

Relationship decluttering can be a lot harder. You need to be honest with yourself. There may be people in your life holding you back. Perhaps they are pulling you down with their toxicity, and you get…



Leon Macfayden
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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